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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Legitimate Flirting Skills

The entire dynamic of dating has changed.  For some folks that like the face-to-face thing....here are a few tips to flirt with out coming off,.. well... "creepy."  This goes for women and men, stalkers at large or  first time flirting for beginners.

1  Mark your territory....Not like a dog...scope out the area....walk around the bar a couple of times and look for potential targets,  become your own compass.

2. Decide on your target and make quick eye contact.  Emphasis on quick...don't stare, that's creepy.

3. Find a reason to move past your target.  Another drink? bathroom? looking for your friend on the other side of the room perhaps?  As soon as your are close enough, make eye contact,  hold a bit and look away just as you pass your target.

If this technique is too subtle for you...go up to your target, and say..." I am so sorry for staring, but you remind me of  a famous actor or actress (fill in the blank here)  or tell them you look so familiar do you hang out with (fill in the blank.)

This plan works best of all!