FYI - Do you Swing for Green?
The typical 18-hole golf course is five miles. Five miles
can be used to strengthen one's body core (arms, legs and shoulders),
while also improving overall health operations. Golf uses the entire
body. The more a golfer uses his body instead of relying on aids such as
caddies and carts, the more health benefits are obtained. Golf
movements consist of walking, swinging, squatting, bending and lifting.
As a form of physical exercise, golf can provide an individual with benefits ranging from improved
circulation to improved flexibility. A good cardiovascular workout
occurs when walking the entire course. Pain levels can be decreased by
playing golf because the joints and muscles will be moving. Arthritis
can be helped because golf loosens stiff joints. Weird technique by 70 year old Golf Pro Fixes see at link below!
Better sleep is another benefit. Golfers experience
increased strength, mobility, hand-eye coordination and range of motion.
Golf is also good for weight control.
The golf swing and stance play a major role in improving
one's posture, overall balance and muscular coordination. By having
these health promoting factors, an individual experiences less pain and
discomfort. Golf can be played at all ages, so even children can use it
to get more physical activity.
Golf Junkies - Go here for more