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Thursday, October 4, 2012

Wicked Business

Business can be wicked at times.  The tales of becoming a millionaire overnight is a "million two one shot."  Hey let's not be discouraged...it can happen.... Let's just put the realities in perspective.  Here are some things to consider or not...when making your next deal:
1.  If it looks too good to be true, than i most likely it is...
2. Don't get caught up in the "retire tomorrow deals"  - catch the hidden agenda by reading the fine print!
3.  Likes on your FB page are not sales 4 your business\

I am not long winded when it comes to writting so I will just get to the point.
My #1  is most important...go with your GUT Business instinct! Turn down deals that seem shifty! Keep your money in your pocket!  #2  any ad that starts out with This is your final offer   -  I made 6 digits in 3 daysGet More Money Now!
 skip over the BS immedicatly...
Number 3  is the  most wicked one of  them all...because I  fell victim to it!  More likes on your FACEBOOK page does not give you sales....actually, it creates so much aniexty and hostility toward  people that don't return the favor of a "like"  My advice, forget it .....there are better way to get quality hits that WILL benefit business long term.

How do you get passed the wicked witch of business? Why not be "Glenda" and go green.   Not only with product....with your social network and your business ethics and lifestyle.

I know we are not in Kansas anymore....if we were, I would have sold my "ruby slippers" and be the next millionaire years ago..
 That is not reality....

Who do you trust?   Take me for example. EYE On BEAUTY was born in  2008.  Launched EYE ON GREEN MAGAZINE since 2010.   I am still very green to the publishing industry, but  I am a seasoned professional in natural beauty and pure business ethics.   Like Glenda,  I want to do kind business with people.   Patience in business is a virtue, so are business ethics and quality.  I know the mistakes the  people make and I can tell you how to avoid  them.  I know what works....and what does NOT  work.


EYE ON GREEN  is becoming a highly recommended vehicle to market green and naturals in the beauty business. It is like no-other publication out there.  CEO is hands-on with her followers and is continuing reviewing ways on  how small business can see "green" in there bottom line.

See marketing strategy and Eco-packages below.

I have openings for Oct "Green feature Review"  read below. Hope to see you in Oct's Anniversary edition of EYE ON GREEN MAGAZINE!
Package A: EYE ON GREEN MAGAZINE -  a 10.00 donation that announces your site and what you do in the Green industry.  go here to donate: http://www.eyeonbeauty.info and choose "green feature donation" link in your cart (fill out questions at the bottom and return) Your link is posted on EYE ON BEAUTY web shop in the Green Vendor Directory.  ( 1 Month of Service)  Heavy Marketing on LinkedIn
Or....why not try a natural cosmetic....purchase a "green"  T-Shirt  this will get you preview as well and benefit your beauty.
Package B:  EYE ON GREEN MAGAZINE Banner ad marketing.
A banner ad for your company can be posted to the EYE ON GREEN MAGAZINE blogspot. I get heavy traffic to this site...usually 100 + hits a day... These are quality hits!  not just "clicks." Your Company Banner will be posted there for 3 months.  And will be visible to all visitors that come to see EYE ON GREEN MAGAZINE updates...I am #1 on Google, Blogger, Bing, Yahoo
other details that you get:
A preview of your website (as stated above)
A link to my website ( eye on beauty) Green vendors List (4 ever listing)
A supplemental routine marketing on linkedIn, and Paper.il
(which is called a Back-Link) very valuable and free!
Need references?  available upon request.
I have 3 papers on paper.il  which you will get supple commentary marketing of your site which will add more to your visibility.
This is a 3 month Eco-Green-up  package.  $120.00  (for 3 months of service)

email me to receive more info:  terry@eyeonbeauty.info

"I totally understand the green business owner. We are like farmers,  pioneering into fields unknown.   We are not rich people, we are all trying to make a difference, with very little means."  Terry Ruvo CEO/Publisher

** Things for you to do: Follow EYE ON GREEN MAGAZINE here http://www.terryseyeongreenmag.blogspot.com (follow by email)

This issue will foucs on Beauty and the Backlink!  I have a love for beauty and for technology on how to grow green business.

Green tips for money making, Green Tips for Beauty and Green Tips Technology Making!  Anniversary Green is the way to go!

Just one question - are you here?
Honey, we are not in Kansas anymore....