Wednesday, July 15, 2015

3 Big Business Bites

Do you have the TEETH for business? What will be the chunk that you will take away. What is grinding at your business profits? Are the minnows eating the BIG fish alive?
First,  my inspiration to write about business comes from my own personal struggles.  To put it plainly, most small owned businesses are just staying above water.  I am from the "old school way" of doing business. My 3 big business bites are very elementary.  The are not sophisticated, and you don't need a computer to do any of these tasks..... Well, maybe just one of them.  
1.  Excellent Customer Service Makes Great Fish Food!
Under Promise Over Deliver. If you are going to promise fast shipping, than do it! If you are going to give a free gift than send it!  Do it promptly and attract more guppies to the pool!  Build a foundation for good business reputation.
Send Soft Touch greeting notes and Thank you cards.  People want to buy from kind and caring individuals. It is like dropping a pebble in a pond; you will feel the positive ripple effects forever.
2. Make your Marketing Reflect  Who You Are.
Of course sticking to your theme and your company vision is important. Don't be a shark about it. Be Yourself!  Do your own marketing and give it a personal touch. You will save money and won't flounder around on your bottom line.
3. Don't Bite Off More Than You Can Chew!
I've  have seen this mistake, and I am guilty of it too!  Focus on one product or one service.  Perfect the product or service by tweaking through out the year. Only buy the resources that are absolutely necessary!  This will save money for big purchases that will be needed.
Go with flow! Don't go against the current. Be the Best of the Blue Fish -
Be Persistent and just  keep swimming!~
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