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Friday, June 21, 2013

EYE on GREEN Magazine: Why Dogs Eat Grass...?

EYE on GREEN Magazine: Why Dogs Eat Grass...?: and why humans eat Wheat Grass! Your canine friend is eating grass to clean out his intestines or to calm a belly ache.  It is a funny thi...

Why Dogs Eat Grass...?

and why humans eat Wheat Grass!

Your canine friend is eating grass to clean out his intestines or to calm a belly ache.  It is a funny thing to watch a dog munch on grass - some would even say he enjoys regurgitating it ...YUK

Let's talk about our four-legged friends later,  and see why humans need to add Wheat Grass to their diets.

  • For one, Wheat Grass supports overall heath and wellness
  • Energizes and supports immunities against  anti-radicals
  • Wheat Grass gives 5+ servings of Veggies
  • and most importantly supports Body alkalinity
 Some other reasons to add wheat grass supplement to your diet --Cancer can not live in an alkaline environment....This is BIG!

As for myself -  I add Grass to my smoothie - try the recipe below and enjoy your Wheaties aka  Wheat Grass!

Now, I can have a Grass eating contest with my Dog....I wonder who will win?

1 scoop of Wheat Grass
1/2 Banana
1 cup apple juice
1/4 frozen berries

EYE ON BEAUTY - Shop Natural!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Healthy Dirty Secrets!

A  good sex life is healthy for you.  Of course, this is no shock!  Sexual benefit depend on how often you do it!  Check out your score... when you score!

1.  Regulating Hunger

Sleep improve with  a little romp, and if  Zzz's  improve, you will say "no" to extra calories.  Bet you didn't know that having sex can regulate your hunger..

2.  Fight sniffles in Bed!

More sex improves your immunoglobulin A -  proteins which fights illness.

3.  Heart Throb

Jumping  on  your partner is more fun than jumping on a treadmill...take advantage of sex to aid your ticker!

4.  Blush and Glow

Couples who do it routinely can look forward to looking younger  - about 4 to 7 years younger!

5.  Positive Outlook!

Couples who get-it-on are more optimistic, energy focused and creative. I mean, it is never a bad day in bed!  All the motivation of  rolling around it the sack can improve your performance at work!

 6. Smarty Pants

To be a smart ass - you need to drop your pants!  Even one good booty session can improve blood flow to your brain.   You even get new brain cells by going all the way!

7.  Mood Swings

Getting down to business in bed stabilize your mood..for the better!  Regular sex will reduce anxiety!  Better than your morning cup of coffee!
Get Busy in bed - no caffeine needed!

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